Or a BROAD traveling!!!

This year I am going to blog a year in the life of a road warrior. Follow me as I make my way around the roads and skies.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Navigating the Chicago Gauntlet

Back on the road.  Nice enough day for the most part.  40's overcast and some rain.  After a stop in Milwaukee I made it all the way to the 90/94 intersection of Interstates in Chicago and faced this:

And NO I did not take this picture but it's pretty much what I could see.  By the time I made it to the Skyway entrance, I was pushed over to the left side of the lanes and missed the exit.  Anyone who knows me, knows I can't STAND to go out of my way, or off track so I took the next exit.  Well that is always interesting. It was defiantly a mixed neighborhood.  I saw one white face...in the mirror.  Honestly no one was paying any attention.  I entered I90E at McDonalds.

Another one of my favorite spots is the Chicago Skyway: 

And NO I didn't take this one either since I was practicing SAFE driving habits.

Other then the traffic back up I only had three cars and one semi decide they needed my spot in traffic and were totally unaffected by the horn.

So I've ended my first day of travel in Elkhart Indiana, arriving at 5:30pm Indiana time.  A stop for supper and into my room for 3 hours of paper work. 

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