Or a BROAD traveling!!!

This year I am going to blog a year in the life of a road warrior. Follow me as I make my way around the roads and skies.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday....it must be Minneapolis

Hard to believe I'm actually in Minnesota, for the lack of snow. There were patches between Winona and Rochester but than it really thinned out to nothing other then shadows. As I approached Minneapolis the hazy sun came out and it warmed to the mid 30*.

Three stops today. One would help me pull together six sister companies into one purchasing base with great potential for growth. #2 Is owned by Caterpillar and will probably slip away because CAT does their own thing. Tennant Sweepers has been a long term customer who has recently taken on a wiper system installation. And that is going well.

One of the nice advantages to traveling is seeing friends. I had dinner with my friend Lynn Lombard. It matched well with my mood. Minneapolis has memories that draw me like a moth to a flame. It was fun to talk about the 'old days'....good and bad and the people who have marched through (or on) our lives. Lynn is a great gal and I'm glad to have reconnected.

I spent 23 years in Minnesota, the longest I've lived anywhere in my entire life. My kids grew up here, but have since moved on (all but one who has returned). I got to live in my favorite house for 19 of these years. I love the silver color of the clouds up here. I saw fabulous Northern Lights nearly every year.  Camped along Lake Superior.  Brought home Christmas trees from 'up north'.  And married the love of my life.

Oddly as time moves on, a lot of the places that have drawn me back, are now gone and new places replace them. I had four jobs....all four companies are closed and gone. My favorite local mall (which incidentally was the 2nd mall in the US) has been torn down. I still have some great friends here and good family. Life goes on......

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